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► Let­ting bank fail was ‘not an option’ ► Cent­ral bank offers liquid­ity line ► Share­hold­ers wiped out

◆让银行倒闭绝对不是一个选项◆ 央行提供流动性 ◆股东损失

UBS has agreed to buy Credit Suisse for $3.25bn after a frantic week­end of nego­ti­ations brokered by Swiss reg­u­lat­ors in a bid to safe­guard the coun­try’s bank­ing sys­tem and pre­vent a crisis spread­ing to global fin­an­cial mar­kets.

The all-share deal between Switzer­land’s two biggest banks was priced well below Credit Suisse’s clos­ing price on Fri­day of SFr1.86, all but wip­ing out its share­hold­ers.

UBS will pay SFr0.75 a share in its own stock, accord­ing to two sources. Credit Suisse’s board rejec­ted an earlier offer of about $1bn accord­ing to people famil­iar with the situ­ation. The Swiss National Bank has agreed to offer a SFr100bn liquid­ity line backed by a default guar­an­tee to UBS. Speak­ing at a press con­fer­ence in Bern yes­ter­day even­ing, Swiss pres­id­ent Alain Ber­set said: “On Fri­day the liquid­ity out­flows and mar­ket volat­il­ity showed it was no longer pos­sible to restore mar­ket con­fid­ence, and a swift and sta­bil­ising solu­tion was abso­lutely neces­sary.”

The Swiss gov­ern­ment “is con­fid­ent that in this dif­fi­cult situ­ation the takeover is the best solu­tion to restor­ing the con­fid­ence that has been lack­ing in fin­an­cial mar­kets recently and best man­aging the risk to our coun­try and its cit­izens”, he added.

The Swiss Fed­eral Depart­ment of Fin­ance said let­ting the bank fail was not an option because of the “unfore­see­able con­sequences for the Swiss eco­nomy and the global fin­an­cial sys­tem”.

The Swiss gov­ern­ment is pre­par­ing emer­gency meas­ures to fast-track the takeover and plans to intro­duce legis­la­tion that will bypass the nor­mal six­week con­sulta­tion period required for UBS share­hold­ers, accord­ing to people famil­iar with the mat­ter. Swiss author­it­ies have already secured roval from reg­u­lat­ors in the US and Europe.

There was lim­ited con­tact between the two lenders and the terms were heav­ily influ­enced by the SNB and reg­u­lator Finma, people with know­ledge of the situ­ation said. Both sides have been locked in dis­cus­sions with reg­u­lat­ors since Wed­nes­day, when Credit Suisse asked the SNB for an emer­gency SFr50bn ($54bn) credit line. Deposit out­flows from Credit Suisse topped SFr10bn a day late last week. When this back­stop failed to arrest a fall in its share price and stop pan­icked cli­ents from with­draw­ing their money, the cent­ral bank stepped in to force a mer­ger.









Some people cri­ti­cised the SNB’s plans to pre­vent a UBS share­holder vote.

Vin­cent Kaufmann, chief exec­ut­ive of Ethos Found­a­tion, which rep­res­ents Swiss pen­sion funds that own between 3 per cent and 5 per cent of Credit Suisse and UBS, told the Fin­an­cial Times that the move to bypass a share­holder vote on the deal was poor cor­por­ate gov­ernance.

“I can’t believe our mem­bers and UBS share­hold­ers will be hy about this,” he said. “I have never seen such meas­ures taken; it shows how bad the situ­ation is.”

The deal comes just months after the Saudi National Bank and the Qatar Invest­ment Author­ity injec­ted close to SFr3bn into Credit Suisse as part of a SFr4bn cap­ital raise. They are the bank’s two largest share­hold­ers and jointly own 17 per cent of the stock.

In a bid to ease any fur­ther strain on European banks, the European Cent­ral Bank is work­ing on a scheme to lend money to any euro­zone banks that need it in exchange for assets pledged as col­lat­eral, accord­ing to a per­son famil­iar with the mat­ter.

The scheme, which is being pre­pared in con­sulta­tion with other major cent­ral banks, is likely to be sim­ilar to the ECB’s pre­vi­ous longer term refin­an­cing oper­a­tions and would only be launched if needed to address mar­ket tur­bu­lence. The ECB declined to com­ment.





