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英文名称:Two hundred COINS with two flags





反面双圈,内圈双旗交叉,这是早期的双旗币,是两面五色旗,存世量极其稀少非常罕见,是双旗币中面值最大,价值最高的钱币,外圈环绕英文:THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA.200CASH。字体线条十分清晰,压力十足,表面底光柔和包浆浓厚,钱币开门见老是一枚罕见的真品二百文双旗币。







英文名称:Ministry of household when the qing dynasty copper COINS and e - word plate ten




此钱币为“鄂”字版户部大清铜币。钱币背面中央为蟠龙,上端为英文“Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin”字样(大清帝国铜币)。顶部铭文光绪元宝四字,中国龙被视为神物予以崇拜。“龙图是中国人的图腾,中国历代的君皇及皇族子孙被称为龙子,龙孙。龙的形象在皇室用品上被专有使用。据史书记载早在汉武帝时期的“白金三品",就铸有“龙〃的图形;其后的宋元明代,已有少部分流通币上铸有龙纹。特别是在历代花钱上,龙的图形则更多。清代未期光绪、宣统年间,官铸的金、银、铜元,其背面更是大多铸有龙图。据不完全统计,清代银币上的“龙"币图案约有近千种版别。这些龙更是千变万化,这枚钱币为坐龙,周边吉祥云,给人腾云驾雾,君临天下之感,古代只有皇室能自称为真龙天子,龙也象征着君王。

此钱币品相完美,钱币正面珠圈内钤有“大清铜币”四字,币心凸起处能看出有一阴刻川字,币心凸起处能看出有一鄂字,乃是湖北省的简称,仅限在湖北省内使用,因此极为稀少;珠圈外上环满文,满文左右有干支纪年“丙午”字样,左右分列“户部”二字,注明由此币的发行部门;下环覆满包浆,但仍可看出其币值“当制钱十文”字样。 钱币背面中央为部颁大清龙图案,表现出了当时的国际政治、经济、文化的交融,极具历史意义。 是集收藏与投资于一身的难能可贵的精品!


四川铜币,是晚清和北洋时期四川省地方政权铸造的货币。由于川省银铜矿缺乏,加之辛亥革命以后军阀割据,致使中央政府《币制条例》关于铜币之原料比例、铜币面额的规定没有严格遵守,四川铜币发行量十分巨大,致使物价虚高、影响经济发展。四川铜币,自光绪二十九年(1903年)六月开铸,至民国二十四年(1935年)十一月法币开始流通才逐渐退出流通领域 。




英文名称:The military government carried eighteen copper COINS from sichuan province










英文翻译:Copper coin, a coin made of copper, also known as "copper coin". Copper COINS mainly refer to the non-porous copper COINS in the late qing dynasty and early republic of China. China was the first country to use metal money. And in metal money, successive dynasties again with copper coin give priority to. So the history of money in ancient China is actually the history of copper COINS.

The double flag coin was produced in the period of the republic of China. The republic of China only existed in China for a few decades. During these decades, China was constantly at war. Well-preserved, clear COINS, patterns, obvious circulation traces, natural patina, bright copper color.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: two hundred characters double flag coin

Two hundred COINS with Two flags

Category: miscellaneous

Specification: one piece

Appearance: beautiful

This coin coin factory made six positive books' sichuan, inner ring in the middle on both sides respectively community pattern around two hundred par value, along the engrave: "two years of the republic of China", caster, fine text specification, written English is correct, clear grain, when for the early of the republic of the casting products, due to the double flag currency produced in the period of the republic of China, the republic of China in Chinese history, only existed for decades, as a result, in war-torn s, coin after the endless years, can still complete retention, is not easy, has the very high collection value of cultural relics, historical and cultural value and artistic value of tasting.

This is an early double flag coin, which is a two-sided five-color flag. THE number OF COINS in existence is extremely rare. It is THE coin with THE largest face value and THE highest value among THE double flag COINS. Font lines are very clear, full of pressure, the surface of the light soft undercoat thick, coin is a rare genuine 200 double flag coin.

Collecting COINS is traditionally value maximum value is higher, this is because the system technology co., LTD., is easy to imitation, which is why for thousands of years rarely release large amount of money, once the issuance of high-value currency, will be generic market caused by inflation, many large amount of money are released a very short time stopped, it's on the coin collecting is the principle of content with rare for expensive, and rare rise faster and faster, this coin is one of the largest copper double flag in the currency value, two hundred, issue of time is very short, only a little, double flag can be seen from the back, this is five-color flag on both sides. And later double flag COINS are different two flags crossed together. Collecting has always been about fate, fate less than even a thousand pieces of gold is difficult to find a treasure.

C wu (1906) department of the qing dynasty when making ten copper COINS and e word plate

The casting of qing dynasty copper COINS began in 1900, that is, the 26th year of the reign of emperor guangxu of the qing dynasty. However, due to the excessive use of copper COINS in various provinces, the general coinage factory of the ministry of household affairs set up by the qing government in tianjin began to cast new types of copper COINS in 1905, that is, in the 31st year of the reign of emperor guangxu of the qing dynasty. The main purpose is to consolidate and unify the monetary system, and to try to nationalize the right of minting and strengthen the control.

Casting began in 1900 (the twenty-sixth year of the reign of emperor guangxu of the qing dynasty) and ended in 1911 (the third year of the reign of emperor xuantong of the qing dynasty). Because of its elegant layout design, exquisite carving, and rare in the world, the qing dynasty copper COINS made in the department of household in the year of emperor guangxu was honored as one of the ten most famous COINS in modern China.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: ministry of accounts when the qing dynasty copper COINS and e word plate ten

English name: Ministry of household when the qing dynasty copper COINS and e-word plate ten

Category: miscellaneous

Specification: one piece

Appearance: beautiful

This coin is a qing dynasty copper coin with the character "e". On the reverse side of the Coin, there is a coiling dragon in the center and the words "tai-ching ti-kuo Copper Coin" at the top. The inscription on the top of the four characters guangxu yuan bao, the Chinese dragon is worshipped as a sacred object. "The dragon picture is a totem of the Chinese people. The emperors and their descendants are called the dragon son and the dragon grandson. The dragon image was used exclusively on royal items. According to historical records, as early as in the period of emperor wudi of the han dynasty, the "three platinum products" were cast with the figure of "dragon"; Later in the song, yuan and Ming dynasties, a small number of COINS were cast with dragon patterns. Especially in the history of money, dragon graphics are more. During the reign of emperor guangxu and emperor xuantong at the end of the qing dynasty, most of the gold, silver and bronze COINS cast by officials had dragon pictures on the back. According to incomplete statistics, the qing dynasty silver coin on the "dragon" pattern of about a thousand different. These dragons are ever-changing, this coin for sitting on the dragon, the surrounding auspicious clouds, give a person the feeling of flying clouds, king landing the world, in ancient times only the royal family can claim to be the real dragon, the son of heaven, the dragon is also a symbol of the king.

This coin looks perfect, the coin front bead ring inside the ring has "qing dynasty copper coin" four words, the coin heart convex place can see has a Yin engraved sichuan character, the coin heart convex place can see has a hubei character, is the abbreviation of hubei province, only in hubei province use, therefore is extremely rare; Outside the bead ring on the ring manchu, manchu about the dry branches of the year "c wu" words, about the division of the "household" two words, indicating the issue of this coin department; The lower ring was covered with wrappers, but its value could still be read as "ten COINS for making money". On the reverse side of the coin, the ministry of the central dragon of the qing dynasty design, showing the integration of international politics, economy and culture at that time, very historical significance. Collection and investment in a collection of valuable boutique!

This coin is that all the money in the form of the jade, the hubei middle shade is engraved by prominent rounded at the bottom, like jade in the little round hole, because the money is developed from jade, and the ancients thought day is round, so the jade for ritual ceremony day, continue to remove the function of the evil to ward off bad luck found on copper, so ancient COINS has historical research value, not only can study culture at that time, also has the ability of some evil, that is why the shape of the jade jade pendant is referred to as the cause of peace buckle, this money than clear chiseled pressure, appearance is very perfect, It is a rare collection-level coin.

Sichuan copper COINS were COINS minted by the local governments of sichuan province during the late qing dynasty and the beiyang period. Due to the lack of silver and copper deposits in sichuan province and the warlords' secession after the revolution of 1911, the central government did not strictly follow the regulations on the proportion of raw materials and denomination of copper COINS in the regulations on currency system. As a result, the issue of copper COINS in sichuan was very large, resulting in the inflated prices and economic development. Sichuan copper COINS were minted in June, 1903, in the twenty-ninth year of the reign of emperor guangxu, and were gradually withdrawn from circulation in November, 1935, when legal COINS began to circulate in the republic of China.

In May 1911, the corrupt qing government, under the guise of nationalizing the railway, transferred the rights of building roads in sichuan and han and guangdong provinces to the British, French, German and American banking groups, which aroused the opposition of people all over the country. Sichuan province was particularly strongly affected, and hundreds of thousands of people joined the road protection army. After wuchang uprising, the provinces have declared independence, the road army surrounded chengdu. Zhao erfeng could not control the situation in sichuan, so he had to hand over the political power to pu dianjun, the leader of the sichuan baolu movement and other constitutionalists. Thus, sichuan province also declared independence, established the "big han sichuan military government", and took over the chengdu branch coin factory. To expand military needs, this "han" coin was minted and issued.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: the military government back han 18 ring sichuan copper COINS

English name: The military government, sysyx copper COINS from sichuan province

Specification: one piece

Category: miscellaneous

Phase: perfect product with natural oxidation to form coating.

The front is a sichuan copper coin, the middle is a begonia pattern, above is made by the military government, below is the value of the coin. Left and right flower star grain. The reverse side is the first year of the republic of China six characters, the central bead circle is han, outside is 18 small circles, at that time on behalf of the 18 provinces, meaning that the people of the 18 provinces work together to fight together.

Sichuan copper COINS when money 100 military junta made, the coin is made of red copper. Edge teeth short, left and right hollow cross star. The characters on this coin surface are all gold based. Sichuan copper coin four words open, point for the heart. Sichuan character last long wear cap, wear two points above. The bronze is next to the gold, four horizontal gold, the third horizontal half. Instead of skimming, make a thick dot. On the edge of the military junta made, the military character stroke is thin, the army with a point to start, and the horizontal folding is not connected, commonly known as the silk army. Political word point to attack the heart, anti - cursive touch linked. Fu word point beginning, horizontal apostrophe is not connected. Make the beginning of the word, the cow word mouth. Lower edge when making money 100 text, all show a point, only 100 words have no use, so 100 words form an opening, 100 words two horizontal shorter, commonly known as opening 100. Money word four horizontal gold, the third horizontal on the bend. Text is from the text, skimming and horizontal is not connected. On the edge of the military government made, there is a horizontal mark between the house made. On the back of the upper edge of the roc 2000, the right part of the Chinese character formed a small half circle. Chinese characters vertical with a small circle, square head 20, Chinese characters horizontal lines decorated 26 horizontal, the upper edge of the republic of China two words open.

The military government made sichuan copper COINS when money 100, the reverse of the year for the republic of China two years. There is a big Chinese character on the back, so it is called "han bronze yuan" in the collection circle.

"Big han" coin in the face value and material version or a variety of. There are silver ones, one yuan, five jiao, two jiao, one jiao. There are copper when making money of one hundred, when making money of fifty, when making money of two hundred, when making money of ten. From the release date, there are the first year of the republic of China, two years of the republic of China and three years of the republic of China.

The sichuan copper coin one hundred black paint on the surface of the ancient wrapped slurry characteristics significantly, patina natural and downy light, the so-called wrapped slurry is a natural formation of the oxide layer, there are also think hands wrapped slurry, the two different, but at the same time have to protect the function of money, like to coin a layer of protective film on the plating, is money no longer oxidation, facilitate collection handed down from ancient times, if feel money is dirty, can wash, reoccupy cloth wipe, do not destroy the wrapped slurry, destroyed the wrapped slurry is equivalent to destroy the protective layer, more important is the wrapped slurry is the most simple and effective method for identification of new and old COINS. Look closely at these three COINS perfect, no knock, damage, deformation and so on is not much of the collection of grade copper COINS, it is recommended to collect, handed down.

Black lacquer: bronze long-term in atmospheric corrosion mechanism analysis of copper, bronze, brass in the atmosphere is very stable, generally less than 0.00015 mm/year, in the copper surface generates a very stable layer of protective film, mainly alkaline type copper sulfate in olive green, also can produce copper oxide (CuO) in black, cuprous sulphur black, and stannous oxide (SnO), dark brown. The longer the age, the rust layer thickened color also become dark, commonly known as "black lacquer", if long in the hands of the hands will make the surface as bright as a mirror commonly known as "handed down the ancient". But in this type of copper also produces electrochemical corrosion, so it is "mute". If the bronze in the long-term dry environment (in the atmosphere or soil) will also produce copper oxide and oxidation of Venus is dark black, commonly known as "black lacquer ancient"