Q: Is there anychange in the city's social security contribution rate due to theepidemic?
A: According to theprovisions of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources andSocial Security and the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Finance on theissuance of the circular on "certain policies and measures inthe field of municipal people's associations to fully support thefight against the epidemic"(No. 10[2022] of Shanghai People'sassociations) , the city will continue to implement the policy ofreducing the premium rates of unemployment insurance and industrialinjury insurance.
Specific: this cityunemployment insurance continues to implement 1% of the contributionrate, of which 0.5% of the unit contribution rate, 0.5% of theindividual contribution rate. The basic rate of industrial injuryinsurance for employers in the first to the eighth categories ofindustries in this municipality shall continue to be lowered by 20percent on the basis of the basic rate of industrial injury insuranceprescribed by the state.
Note: When thesocial insurance agency examines the floating rate of the employer'swork injury insurance according to the regulations, it shall act inaccordance with the adjusted industry benchmark rate.
The city's rate ofpayment is as follows:
Source:Human Resources and Social Security in Shanghai
Q: A Netizen lefta message asking, "I used to be a self-employed person. I havebeen paying social security through flexible employment. Recently,because of the epidemic and the poor returns, I applied for a salesjob with a company, but I had already paid for 15 years in Octoberlast year.". Then, when I arrive at the new company, can I paysocial security without the help of the unit and find cash directlyfor the part that should be paid by individuals?"
A: it's not allowed!
Social insurance isa social security system that the state compulsorily establishesthrough legislation. Both employing units and workers mustparticipate in social insurance according to law. Even if theemployee and the employer negotiated and signed the so-called"agreement" not to participate in social security, it isnot legally effective.
The law of thePeople's Republic of China on social insurance stipulates that theemploying unit shall, within 30 days from the date of employment,apply to the social insurance agencies for the registration of socialinsurance for its employees. The employing unit shall, on its own,declare and pay social insurance premiums in full and on time, andshall not be held over or exempted for non-statutory reasons such asforce majeure. The social insurance premiums that employees shall payshall be withheld and paid by the employing unit.
Although thisnetizen has already paid for 15 years, and met the conditions forapplying for basic old-age pension at present, as long as there islabor-employment relationship with the unit, to fulfill the legalobligation to participate in social insurance. Moreover, from theperspective of protecting the rights and interests of workers, thecurrent level of pension treatment is closely related to factors suchas payment time, that is, we often say "pay more, get more".The longer the years of contribution, the higher the level ofcontribution, the more old-age pension will be received.
Finally, we remindemployers and workers, to participate in social insurance oh ~ inaccordance with the law to participate in insurance, enjoy rights andsecurity!
Q: Affected bythe epidemic, the unit cannot submit a work-related injurydetermination application within the prescribed time limit? Will ithave an impact on the follow-up work capacity appraisal of theinjured person?
A: according to theprovisions of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources andSocial Security and the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Finance on theissuance of the circular on "certain policies and measures inthe field of municipal people's associations to fully support thefight against the epidemic"(No. 10[2022] of Shanghai People'sassociations) , if, as a result of the epidemic situation, theemploying units, employees or their close relatives or trade unionorganizations are unable to file an application for the determinationof work-related injuries or the appraisal of work capacity within theprescribed time limit, the time affected by the outbreak may bededucted from the time limit for application.
If theadministrative departments of human resources and social security atvarious levels and the labor ability appraisal committees areaffected by the epidemic situation and find it difficult to make theconclusion of the work injury determination and the labor abilityappraisal according to the legal time limit, the hearing time limitmay be extended accordingly. The administrative departments of humanresources and Social Security of each district shall prepare anotification of the extension of the trial time for the determinationof work-related injury, and inform the parties concerned in a timelymanner.
After the impact ofthe epidemic has been eliminated, the administrative departments ofhuman resources and Social Security at all levels and labor capacityappraisal committees shall make relevant conclusions in a timelymanner.