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What Are the Right Choices in College Admissions?


Applying to college can be a tedious and stressful process for students and their parents. In addition to finishing their last year of high school, teens may also be juggling the SAT or ACT, college tours if available and applications for numerous schools.

对于学生和他们的父母来说,申请大学可能是一个充满乏味和压力的过程。除了完成高中的最后一年之外,青少年还可能需要兼顾SAT 或 ACT,如果有大学旅游以及众多学校的申请。

The Common Application, which is accepted by more than 900 schools, including some colleges located outside the U.S., helps streamline an essential part of the admissions process for students.

通用申请系统已被900 多所学校(包括一些位于美国境外的大学)接受,有助于简化学生录取过程的重要组成部分。

Through the platform, first-time and transfer applicants alike can apply to multiple colleges at once. So students only have to fill out details that most schools require, including name, address and extracurricular activities, one time.


"The idea behind the Common App is to try and reduce the barriers that students face when applying to college," says Jenny Rickard, president and CEO of The Common Application.

通用申请系统背后的想法是尝试减少学生在申请大学时面临的障碍,”总裁兼首席执行官 JennyRickard 说。

Despite its popularity, the Common App may be confusing for some families who are new to the college application process. The guide below can help ease students and parents through the application.


When Can I Start Working on My College Application Through the Common App?


The new edition of the Common App opens Aug. 1 every year. Given the variance in college application deadlines, students should pay close attention to when they need to submit their materials.

新版通用申请系统于每年 8 月 1 日开放。鉴于大学申请截止日期的差异,学生应密切注意何时需要提交材料。

For example, students who are applying early action or early decision may need to submit an application in November or December, whereas the regular decision deadline is more likely to be Jan. 1 for many schools. Prospective students should treat these ranges as a general rule of thumb and check with individual colleges on deadlines.

例如,申请提前行动或提前决定的学生可能需要在11 月或 12 月提交申请,而许多学校的常规决定截止日期更有可能是 1 月 1 日。未来的学生应将这些范围视为一般经验法则,并在截止日期前与各个学院核对。

Updates to the Common App for this year include removing questions on student discipline in high school as well as military discharge status; adding more citizenship status options for international and undocumented students and removing certain questions related to geography and family, or making those optional; adding a question about students' preferred first names; and expanding options for gender identity expression.


Students don't have to wait until Aug. 1 to get started on the Common App. They can create an account at any time and transfer their information into the new app when it opens.

学生不必等到 8 月 1 日才能开始使用 Common App。他们可以随时创建一个帐户,并在新应用程序打开时将他们的信息传输到该应用程序中。

How to Complete the Common Application

Here are steps for how students can work on an application through the platform.



Go to commonapp.org and click on the "Start your application" button to get details about how to create an account and log in. Additionally, students can download the Common App's mobile app to keep track of deadlines, invite recommenders and set reminders.


Choose the first-year student or transfer student option.


Add user information such as name, email, phone number, address, date of birth and prospective enrollment year.


Fill out the user profile with requested details on education, extracurriculars, demographic data, household information and more.


Add collaborators such as teachers, counselors and others providing letters of recommendation or other supporting documents.


Search for and add schools to "My Colleges."


Get familiar with each college's application requirements and follow those accordingly when applying.


The summer before senior year of high school is a great time for students to start on their applications, experts say.


"If you aren't going to be out of town or out of the country with no access to the internet, please start your application Aug. 1," says Marissa Warren, a school counselor at Yorktown High School in New York.

纽约约克镇高中的学校辅导员玛丽莎·沃伦(Marissa Warren) 说:“如果你不打算出城或出境无法访问互联网,请从8月1日开始申请。

Students don't have to submit their applications during the summer. But starting in August gives them the opportunity to review the requirements for schools they're considering, draft essays and get some of the tedious background information completed before they get bogged down with homework and activities, Warren says.


Starting early also allows students to get the help they need at the beginning of the school year, she adds.


How Long Does It Take to Fill Out an Application?


The time it takes to fill out an application varies based on a school's requirements, experts say. However, students need to give themselves at least six weeks to get everything they need for college applications, says Christine Chu, a premier college admissions counselor with IvyWise, an education consulting company based in New York. That's two weeks to fill out any background information and about a month for other required documents.

专家说,填写申请所需的时间因学校的要求而异。然而,纽约教育咨询公司 IvyWise 的首席大学招生顾问Christine Chu 说,学生需要至少给自己六周的时间来获得大学申请所需的一切。填写任何背景信息需要两周时间,其他所需文件需要大约一个月时间。

[ READ: Avoid These Big College Application Mistakes. ]


In addition to any optional parental information needed – such as employer details and educational background – many schools require first-year applicants to submit recommendation letters and transcripts. Students need to give teachers and counselors enough time to submit those materials to the Common App before deadlines.


High school counselors encourage students to ask their teachers for recommendation letters before the end of their junior year so that educators can work on them during the summer. Seniors who need recommendation letters should ask for them early in the school year, experts say.


What Are the Common App Essay Prompts, and Where Can I Find Them?

什么是常见的 App Essay 提示,我在哪里可以找到它们?

The Common App first-year essay prompts for the 2021-2022 school year will be mostly the same as the seven prompts used for 2020-2021. One question about problem-solving, however, will be dropped and replaced with a question on kindness and gratitude.

2021-2022 学年的通用申请系统第一年论文提示将与2020-2021 学年使用的七个提示大致相同。然而,一个关于解决问题的问题将被删除,取而代之的是一个关于善意和感激的问题。

An optional nonessay question added in 2020 on how the coronavirus pandemic affected students will remain on the Common App this year. Answers to this question are limited to 250 words. Roughly 20% of all applicants in the 2020-2021 admissions cycle provided a response to the COVID-19 question, per figures provided by a Common App official.

2020 年添加的一个关于疫情如何影响学生的可选题,今年将保留在通用申请系统上。此问题的答案限制在 250 字以内。根据通用申请系统官员提供的数据,在2020-2021 年招生周期中,大约有 20% 的申请人回答了疫情问题。

Applicants have a maximum of 650 words for essays. The topics vary. A few require students to reflect on their experiences and share examples of learning or personal growth. Students also have the option to share an essay on any topic of their choice or simply describe a topic that captivates them.


Applicants can see the essay prompts on the Common App's website.


With seven options, it doesn't matter which prompt is chosen as long as it allows an applicant to provide insight into his or her identity in ways that aren't reflected in other parts of the application, experts say.


"You never want to echo what's in any of those other pieces," says Bonnie Casson-Deweese, director of college match for KIPP Houston Public Schools. She encourages students to look beyond academics to think about what makes them special. For example, being a high school valedictorian when applying to Harvard University isn't notable because just about everybody who applies is at the top of their class, she says.


Not all schools require students to submit an essay. Some institutions may require students to submit a supplemental essay or additional information. Applicants can see the requirements for all schools on the Common App when they log in to their student accounts or download a PDF from the Common App's website.

并非所有学校都要求学生提交论文。一些机构可能会要求学生提交补充论文或其他信息。申请者可以在登录学生账户或从通用申请系统网站下载 PDF 时,在通用申请系统上查看所有学校的要求。

Applicants can also preview supplemental questions for schools before they start their applications through the platform's Student Solutions Center.
