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天同深圳律师事务所 创始合伙人





钱伯斯全球(Chambers Global Guide)争议解决领域领先律师

钱伯斯亚太(Chambers Asia-Pacific Guide)争议解决领域领先律师


LEGALBAND 争议解决(诉讼)领域中国顶级律师

LEGALBAND 中国客户指南争议解决领先个人

Benchmark Litigation 亚太商业与交易领域争议解决之星

法律五百强(The Legal 500)争议解决领域杰出律师

《商法》(China Business Law Journal)A-List 100强精英律师


1. 您和团队有着非常丰富的诉讼代理经验,可以谈一下您是如何帮助客户进行有效的诉讼服务的吗?以及在代理客户诉讼案件的时候与其他律师代理诉讼得核心区别是什么?










2. 在您代理的众多胜诉案件中,可以谈一下您认为最具挑战性且印象最深的相关案件吗,以及在诉讼代理过程中,哪些关键性细节可以引起我们法务部同行的警醒?




3. 您和您的团队在业界取得过非常多的荣誉和成绩,在今年我们有什么重要的专业成果要为大家分享吗?这些对我们法务同行在工作中会有怎样的助力?

陈耀权: 根据既有领域储备、业务经验和战略布局,今年我牵头团队规划了两个产品序列,并且都有长足产出:其一是再审,再审是天同的老本行,我本人也在最高院、高院再审领域中有着较为丰富的案件代理经验,并且在今年被选为广东省律师协会申诉再审专业委员会主任。基于再审业务难点、审判特点,我们进行了全面总结、梳理,从申请再审主体、申请再审对象、再审材料准备、其他程序问题四大维度形成了体系化的实务操作指引。2022年12月10日和24日,我分别在广东省律师协会申诉再审专业委员会和湖南省律师协会民事专业委员会主办的专题讲座上,作为嘉宾分享了上述总结经验及对再审重难点问题的分析,两次分享超过六万人次在线收看,获得了广泛的积极回应。



4. 我们知道任何一个客户代理案件,都需要企业法务部同仁与我们外部律师进行密切高效的合作。您可以谈一下企业法务部在配合诉讼律师进行诉讼案件管理过程中,都有哪些需要注意的点吗?有什么相关的诉讼技巧和手段进行传授?





5. 可以谈一下您对企业法务内部搭建诉讼团队的建议吗?对于企业法务工作者而言,您觉得在不同的时期,应该分别具备什么样的能力?



6. 您在业界取得过非常多的荣誉,其中就包含钱伯斯全球(Chambers Global Guide)争议解决领域领先律师、钱伯斯亚太(Chambers Asia-Pacific Guide)争议解决领域领先律师等荣誉,可以谈一下您获得各项殊荣的感触以及对未来工作的展望吗?


7. 您跟LCOUNCIL有过初次的合作了,可以谈一下您跟LCOUNCIL合作之初,以及合作之后的感触吗,对LCOUNCL有着怎样的评价?

陈耀权:LCOUNCIL作为一家专业成熟的体系化法律培训平台,其最大的特点体现充分挖掘了法律共同体的互惠性、成长性。一方面,就知识层面,LCOUNCIL能够精准识别法律人对解决各领域实务疑难及热点的需求,及时匹配该领域的专家进行答疑解惑;另一方面,就业务层面,基于平台点对面的宣传,让 “术业有专攻”的专业人员有机会发现并化解处处寻医问药的“疑难杂症”,进而实现双赢。

LCOUNCIL 走近天同律师事务所




天同广受业界及客户认可,分别在2021年和2016年荣获司法部和全国律协颁发的“全国优秀律师事务所”称号。同时,多次荣获钱伯斯争议解决领先律所、The Legal 500争议解决领先律师事务所、亚洲法律杂志(Asian Legal Business, ALB)年度诉讼律师事务所、Asialaw Profiles争议解决高度推荐律师事务所、LEGALBAND争议解决领先律师事务所、《商法》(China Business Law Journal, CBLJ)年度争议解决卓越律所等奖项

LCOUNCIL Profile of the current issue

Chen Yaoquan

Tian Tong Shenzhen law firm, founding partner, director of Shenzhen Branch Office

Chen Yaoquan has more than 20 years of legal practice experience, and has represented more than 120 civil and commercial litigation cases in the Supreme Court. He has accumulated rich and unique practice experience in the field of complex and difficult civil and commercial litigation. In particular, he is good at dealing with disputes in civil and commercial areas such as guarantee, company, finance, securities, bills, contracts, property rights, etc, and has a leading role in filling the legal gaps in a large number of cases,They have been included in the Supreme People's Court Gazette, Guidance and Reference on Commercial Trial and other Supreme Court trial business guidance books.

Commercial Law (China Business Law Journal)A-List 100 Strong Elite Lawyers.

As the head and business director of Tiantong's litigation practice team, Chen Yaoquan has established and improved the litigation practice team's work model and case process management system, which is of great significance to ensure that we provide efficient and high-quality legal services to our clients.

Awards received

Chambers Global Guide Leading Lawyers in Dispute Resolution

Chambers Asia-Pacific Guide Leading Lawyers in Dispute Resolution

Albemarle China's Top 10 Litigators

LEGAL BAND Top Lawyers in China in Dispute Resolution (Litigation)

LEGALBAND China Customer Guide Dispute Resolution Leading Individual

Benchmark Litigation Asia Pacific Business & Transaction Dispute Resolution Star

The Legal 500 Lawyers in Dispute Resolution

Commercial Law (China Business Law Journal)A-List 100 Strong Elite Lawyers

LCOUNCIL an outline of this interview

You and your team have a lot of experience in litigation representation. Can you talk about how you help your clients carry out effective litigation services? And what is the core difference between you and other lawyers when representing clients?

Chen Yaoquan:Personally, the fundamental method to provide efficient litigation services is to be truly attentive to clients. Based on which, Tiantong has four aspects of experiences to share with you.

First, the standardized business process. Tiantong has had a 41-step standardized business process from early on, to which different branches and members all assiduously stick, ensuring that the litigation services of high and uniform quality can be provided. In December of 2012, Tiantong officially launched "Tiangong" internal case-handling system and achieved the online collaboration of the standardized process. Accordingly, different types of cases are left flexible room for adjustment based on case-specific principle, which better caters to the various needs in cases of different categories, regions, and stages in the litigation. In return, this bestows full and long-lasting vitality on Tiantong’s standardized business process in the era of paperless office work.

Second, the team-based operation mode. When Tiantong provides litigation services for clients, it always insists on providing services as a whole team, instead of designating only one principal to handle the case, let alone the mode that "big lawyer accepts the case, small lawyer handles the case". From the aspect of daily communication, no matter which undertaker the client inquiries, the client can receive effective response at the fastest speed, with the accurate and detailed information about the case. In terms of quality control of case-handling, colleagues offer sufficient and efficient support mutually inside Tiantong. In order to solve a complicated and difficult case, we can quickly convene all the core backbones to participate in the "business committee", to provide expert diagnosis and analyze the litigation strategy in detail. This kind of team-based operation mode always serves as an important means for us to enhance the experience of client and ensure the quality of service.

Third, the visualization of services. Generally, the litigation services penetrate into the whole process of professional support provided by lawyers to clients, but they are intangible and difficult to perceive. To ensure that clients have more specific and comprehensive understanding of the litigation services, Tiantong always develops work plans, provides Contact Letter at multiple stages, visualizing the intangible service in writing. Tiantong strongly believes, the success of litigation not only depends on the professional support of its legal team, but also on the mutual understanding and efficient communication between the clients and their lawyers.

Fourth, the moot court. For every important case, Tiantong’s legal team will conduct internal rehearsals before the trial, to simulate all possible viewpoints in the trial, and polish the trial scheme accordingly. This process helps us better adapt to the real state of the trial, tests litigation strategies from different angles and prepares corresponding plans. Moreover, this ensures lawyers can respond to all kinds of unexpected situations more calmly and comprehensively in real trial, effectively output key arguments in the limited time allowed by the court, and eventually fight for the winning of the lawsuits.

Tiantong has three core advantages as to its representation in litigations.

First, there must be trade-offs. On the one hand, Tiantong has selected the business field suitable for its long-term commitment. Since this law firm was established 20 years ago, Tiantong has been basically specialized in dispute resolution, striving to do the best in this field, which makes it capable to provide clients with the most reliable and high-quality services. On the other hand, Tiantong also chooses the clients who respect the lawyers’ work to provide meticulous services. We firmly believe that a harmonious relationship is the foundation of success, the clients’ trust and recognition are of great significance for the case to proceed smoothly, which can also maximize the value of lawyers' profession.

Second, sincerity is the greatest power. When communicating with clients, we are always honest about what we know about the case, what we can do and cannot do, we never boast about ourselves. At the same time, we keep improving our expertise, dare to make judgments and decisions, and try our outmost in every case to provide clients with valuable legal services.

Third, it is all about "us" rather than "me". Tiantong is a closely-connected ideal team. For any case, Tiantong will exert its full efforts to deal with it, our partners are always on the front line of handling cases, working together with each committed members, to take full advantages of the team collaboration. Meanwhile, Tiantong also recognizes the key role of clients’ support and assistance, without which our lawyer could not handle the cases well only by ourselves. Only if we gather all the unitable forces, endeavor to do our best with other parties, can we make our desires come true.

Among the many successful cases you have represented, can you tell us about the most challenging and impressive related cases, and what key details in the process of litigation can arouse the vigilance of our colleagues in the Legal Department?

Chen Yaoquan:I would like to share the retrial case that was just closed in this year with you, it was about the tort liability dispute between a state-owned bank and a listed liquor company. In this case, the liquor company was defrauded by criminals who sneaked its deposit in the bank away, and the company asked the bank to compensate for its losses .The Hunan Higher Court held that the bank should bear all the responsibilities. We applied for retrial on behalf of the bank, and the Supreme Court finally decided that both of the liquor company and the bank should share the responsibilities according to the degrees of their fault.

I am particularly impressed by three aspects of this case. First, this case is a retrial case in the Supreme Court. Due to the great complexity of the case, the Supreme Court formed a five-member collegial panel which held two sessions and extended the review period for many times. As its agent, I also poured my heart and soul into this case, and it took two whole years from filing the case to receiving the favorable judgment. Second, this is a cross-case involving criminal and civil law, concerns the mode of “deposit in exchange for alcohol sales”, which attracted widespread public attention. As nearly 20,000 people watched the Supreme Court's retrial session online, the requirements for the agent’s advocacy was extremely high. Third, the case is extremely challenging. On the one hand, the bank president was identified as an accomplice of fraud by the effective criminal judgment, Hunan Higher Court has decided that the bank should assume the vicarious liability at second instance, so it is very hardzhiw for the bank to deny the tort committed on duty. On the other hand, Hunan Higher Court had asked for the internal opinions of the Supreme Court, so the results of the second instance represented the views of the Supreme Court to some extent, which made it more difficult to overturn than other cases.

Through in-depth jurisprudential analysis, we pointed out that the bank president's illegal and criminal acts for personal gain were not acts of duty, the employer who cannot predict, avoid nor profit from this shall not assume the vicarious liability. Besides, via the retrieval of similar cases, we found that it was obviously unfair for the bank to take full responsibility in the second instance, and the liquor company should also bear the responsibility of the losses corresponding to its fault. All opinions above were adopted by the Supreme Court in the retrial procedure. This case gives some new inspiration to us: First, financial institutions must regularly strengthen the management and training of employees, and try to avoid bank employees from taking public interests for personal gain, causing the financial institutions to assume responsibility. Second, for cross-cases involving criminal and civil law, the result of criminal judgment has a fundamental impact on the outcome of civil cases. Hence, we should intervene early in the criminal procedure, follow up its progress, fight for its jurisdiction, and strive for the favorable result as possible as we can within the legal scope.

You and your team have achieved a lot of honors and achievements in the industry, do you have any important professional achievements to share with us this year? How will this help our legal colleagues in their work?

Chen Yaoquan:This year, I have led my team to develop two series of product chain based on the expertise, experience and strategy, both of which have yielded remarkable outcomes. The first one is about retrial. Retrial is Tiantong‘s line of work, I also have extensive experiences in representing retrial cases before Supreme People’s Court and Higher People's Courts, and I am elected as the director of retrial committee of Guangdong Lawyers Association. Therefore, based on practical difficulties and judicial characteristics of the status quo, our team has comprehensively summarized a systematic practical guideline, covering four dimensions of retrial applicants, retrial objects, retrial materials preparation and other procedural issues. On December 10 and 24 in 2022, I was invited to share my experience as well as the analysis of major and difficult problems in retrial procedure, respectively in the seminars hosted by retrial committee of Guangdong Lawyers Association and professional committee of civil law of Hunan Lawyers Association. The lectures were watched and widely acclaimed by more than 60,000 people online.

The second is anchored in guarantee sphere. In the second year after the promulgation of “Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court of the Application of the Relevant Guarantee System of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China”, we roll out “Biennial Observation on Dispute Resolution of Corporate Guarantee” and “Manual of Guidance on Compliance Review of Guarantee by Listed Companies (Second Edition)”, which add up to over 100,000 words. The former focuses on the establishing system of legal rules and construing variation of case practices, in a bid to provide prejudgment of the future judicial decisions. The latter lays press on how to comply with regulatory requirements from the judiciary perspective, sorts through the key points and precautions for compliance review of guarantee resolution and disclosure. Accordingly, we can fully assist the in-house lawyers in the whole process of front-end risk prevention and back-end dispute resolution.

Meanwhile, close attention has been attached to disentangle from the current dilemma and chronic problems in the domain of traditional guarantee. The former, such as the bank financing disputes on the scene of commercial housing pre-sale, under the background of frequent bubble burst in real estate market. Regarding this issue, we have published “Study on the Legal Effect of Banks’ Written Consent to Pre-sale of Commodity Houses On the Validity of Mortgage”. The article aims to provide a justified explanation scheme that accords with systematic logic and realistic expectation, and this has received widespread concern and high appraisal by judiciary branches and financial institutions. On which basis, we will continue to explore the topics of real estate bailout and financial claims realization, including “Study on the Legality of Arbitrary Suspension of Mortgage Loan for Commercial Housing and How Shall Bank Give Proper Responses ” and “Study on the Existence and Priority Effect of Pre-mortgage”, in hope that viable strategies could be timely offered to legal counsels of financial institutions. After the introduction of “Guiding Opinions of the People's Bank of China, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Regulating the Asset Management Business of Financial Institutions”, we utilize our high sensitivity on identifying policy and perceiving its orientation, systematically analyze the multiple levels and elements in evaluating the validity of rigid payment measures, and draw a roadmap of transaction design and litigation strategy for peers of legal profession. For the latter, such as the universal controversy towards maximum mortgage, we have published “The Miscellany of Problem on Maximum Mortgage” based on our case-handling experiences and academic research, which clarifies the identification of maximum guarantee, its duration of guarantee and the scope of secured creditor's right. At the beginning of 2023, we will shift our emphasis to atypical guarantee, discuss the debt investment in the name of equity investment and other types of atypical guarantee that are commonplace in financing sphere, in an attempt to eliminate the recurring practical misunderstandings in three levels of identification, validity, and legal effect.

We know that any client's case requires close and efficient cooperation between our corporate legal team and our external lawyers. Can you talk about what the corporate legal department needs to pay attention to in the process of litigation case management with litigation lawyers? What are the relevant litigation skills and means to teach?

Chen Yaoquan:The success of most litigation cases can be attributed to the joint efforts of external lawyers and corporate legal counsels. Based on our prior cooperation experiences with some of excellent corporate legal counsels, we would summarize their three advantages in case management:

First, they fully disclose the case facts. After selecting a professional and reliable team of litigation lawyers, they give repeated trust and fully inform the factual background and business conditions that may have an impact on the case.

Second, they can timely find out relevant evidence within the company according to the lawyer's suggestion. The evidence of business is usually controlled by personnels of finance, business, customer service, sales management and other departments, but the competent legal departments can coordinate with colleagues in other departments to gather evidence. If the evidence is favorable to the company, it can help realize the litigation claim; If it is not, the lawyer can also prepare a response plan in advance.

Third, they can improve the internal management of risk control as well as the company's governance ability in virtue of the cases. It is commonplace for an enterprise to get involved in disputes arising from their business, and the occurrence of each lawsuit and arbitration reveals the typical scene where operation risk outbreaks intensively. During the litigation process, outstanding in-house lawyers usually discuss with us why the disputes take place and where are the weak links of the company's management. In the meantime, Tiantong will also make a case summary after the case is closed, assisting the client to better improve the company's risk control and turn the adversity into an opportunity.

Can you talk about your suggestion to build a litigation team within corporate legal? For corporate legal workers, what kind of capabilities do you think they should have at different times?

Chen Yaoquan:Whether and how to build an internal litigation team depends on the number and types of litigation cases this enterprise gets involved. Many enterprises have a small-sized legal department, especially in the case of limited profits, so it may be unrealistic to require more legal stuff. However, at any time, legal counsels who know how to communicate and cooperate well with internal and external partners can achieve success.

Legal counsels are obliged to solve legal issues involving all aspects of the company's operation, just like the family doctor of an enterprise. To some extent, in-house lawyers are similar to general practitioners, whereas external lawyers are specialist doctors, both are essential. Good general practitioners not only help with daily prevention, diagnosis, treatment and health care, but also match the most suitable specialist in the industry at the first time when a high-risk situation occurs, so that specialists can identify illness in a timely manner without delay. If the legal counsels can assist in enterprise’s full rehabilitation after the surgery, then they have realized its value of supporting and escorting the company to develop healthily.

You have achieved a lot of honor in the industry, Among them are Chambers Global Guide's leading lawyer in dispute resolution and Chambers Asia-Pacific Guide's leading lawyer in dispute resolution. Can you talk about your feelings about winning the awards and your outlook for the future?

Chen Yaoquan:From my perspective, the fundamental reason for attaining these honors lies in the focus and perseverance of Tiantong and myself in the domain of dispute resolution over the past 20 years, which is inseparable from the clients’ deep trust and the colleagues’ unknown contribution. As I always say, all honors belong to all Tiantong members. Of course, due to various reasons, there are many outstanding peers who have not been listed in the ranking, they should also be equally respected. In the future, we will stick to the difficult and correct track with the high level of integration, get deeply rooted in dispute resolution; we will maintain our professional leadership, and firmly believe in that profession can lead to victory; we will constantly explore new spheres, catch new trends, refine new thinking, and expand the connotation and extension of professional excellence.

You have cooperated with LCOUNCIL for the first time. Can you talk about your feelings at the beginning and after the cooperation with LCOUNCIL, and how do you evaluate LCOUNCIL?

Chen Yaoquan:As a professional and mature legal training platform, LCOUNCIL's largest characteristic is that it fully excavates the reciprocity of legal community. On the one hand, in terms of knowledge, LCOUNCIL can accurately identify legal practitioners’ needs to resolve difficult and hotspot issues in various spheres, and therefore invite corresponding experts to answer their questions in time. On the other hand, concerning promoting business of legal services, LCOUNCIL fully makes usage of its advertising function, making it easier for the experts to discover and resolve puzzles within their areas of expertise and thus achieve a win-win situation.

LCOUNCIL approach the Tiantong law firm

Founded in 2002, Tiantong Law Firm is committed to becoming the most trusted and respected great law firm in the field of major and complex commercial dispute resolution. To this day, Tiantong has always adhered to the concept of "not seeking the greatest, but the most refined and most exclusive." Following the development strategy of "doing the best in the best field," we provide customers with "litigation + arbitration + enforcement + bankruptcy" four-in-one full-process services to maximize the protection of customers' legitimate rights and interests.

Tiantong has a professional and efficient team of lawyers, based on moot court, litigation visualization, case big data and other modern litigation technology and means,In the people's courts at all levels (especially the higher people's courts and above) and the main arbitration institutions have enviable outstanding results. More than 40 of the cases handled by Tiantong were included in the Gazette of the Supreme People's Court, Commercial Trial Guidance, Civil Trial Guidance and Reference, Guidance and Reference for Case-filing Work, and Trial Supervision Guidance, among other core publications on civil and commercial trials. Some cases have been established as guiding cases by the Supreme People's Court, which plays a guiding role in the field of civil and commercial trial.

With the mission of participating in building a more fair and just legal ecosystem, Tiantong established WeChat, one of the most influential legal professional we-media in China, in 2014. Official Account message template “Tiantong Litigation Circle ” , continue to share original professional articles, spread the positive energy of litigation, has more than 550 thousand subscribers. In the past ten years, Tiantong has used the key-code encoding method of British and American case law countries for reference, collected, combed and refined the rules of judicial precedent, and formed a series of books with 42 million characters, creating a unique case encoding system in China.

Tiantong is widely recognized by the industry and customers, and was awarded the title of "National Excellent Law Firm" by the Ministry of Justice and the China Lawyers Association in 2021 and 2016 respectively. At the same time, Chambers Leading Law Firm in Dispute Resolution, The Legal 500 Leading Law Firm in Dispute Resolution, Asian Legal Magazine ( Asian Legal Business, Albemarle) Litigation Law Firm of the Year, Asialaw Profiles Highly Recommended Law Firm for Dispute Resolution, LEGALBAND Leading Law Firm for Dispute Resolution, Business Law ( China Business Law Journal, CBLJ) Dispute Resolution Firm of the Year and other awards.